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大館 BOOKED: 香港藝術書展 Tai Kwun BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair
(with nos:books as our joint exhibitor) 日期:12月16日 - 19日 (四至日) 時間:3 - 7 pm (16日); 3 - 9 pm (17日); 12 - 7 pm (18 - 19日) 地點:大館賽馬會藝方一樓及 F...

Operation 好好好(hohoho) 2021 with Bleak House Books
To "spread some of that good ‘ol BHB holiday cheer around Hong Kong", we are pleased to announce that ACO has been working closely with...

【I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong】書中人分享 Featured Sharing - DAWIT DEBESAI
I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong, 邀請書中人 Dawit ——來自東非的厄立特里亞——一個沒有政治自由、媒體被操控、沒有選擇職業的自由的國家,分享「離開」同「留低」, 還有「家鄉」。 「有時候,面對挫折與困難並不是因為你犯錯,而是因為你正往對的方...

Yeung Tong Lung Solo Exhibtion: Daily Practice
Yeung Tong Lung Solo Exhibtion: Daily Practice Dates: 19 Jan - 6 Mar 2021 Opening Hours: 10:30am - 6:30pm (Tue - Sat) Venue: Blindspot...

Arts San Po Kong 2019
It is Arts SPK again! A family day of good reads, arts and fun! Situated in the ever-changing, ever-developing San Po Kong, Spicy Fish,...

ACO @ Tai Kwun Contemporary's Hong Kong Art Book Fair
ACO will participate in the first Tai Kwun Contemporary's Hong Kong Art Book Fair! Besides bringing along art books and zines, there will...

HONG KONG SOFT POWER - Book Sharing by Frank Vigneron
Professor Frank Vigneron (chairperson and professor, Fine Arts Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)will talk about his newly...
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