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【孤獨共振──獨立出版迷你書展2020】延期聲明 由上周開始,感染個案急劇增加,昨日(7月11日),衛生防護中心傳染病處主任張竹君指目前本地情況是「出現疫情以來最嚴峻」,港大醫學院院長梁卓偉今日亦指出病毒出現基因變異,推算一個病人或可感染三到四人,甚至社區可能存在隱形傳播者...

【孤獨共振──獨立出版迷你書展2020】 從年初到年中,我們不得不適應將自己收藏家中,躲避疫病的侵害。大部分時間,我們和世界保持一種微妙的距離,既遠離人群,又彷彿形影不離,於網絡上聚會、會議;而關上手機電腦,又即轉身躲入自己的斗室。步入盛夏,似乎情況變得不太壞,但這一躲...

Adjusted Visions Ng Sai Kit X Yeung Tong Lung
Adjusted Visions Ng Sai Kit X Yeung Tong Lung Exhibition Dates: 29/11 (Fri) – 29/12 (Sun) /2019 Opening...

Chihoi Comics Show - Library & 6/F Basement -
- Library & 6/F Basement - Library & I’m with my Saint are Chihoi’s latest comic books. Library tells tales of a strange library where...

【I WANNA READ】Reading x Indie Bookstore - Albert Wan (Bleak House Books)
"I WANNA READ" invites different types of bookworms to come share how books affect their minds and values, hoping to rekindle the love...

Dreams of a Toad Book Launch x Exhibition by Au Wah Yan
“A mosquito barges into your sweet dreams, a gecko hides itself at home, a whale sweeps the town, a wild boar intrudes a kid’s wear shop...

(Fully booked) Advance Screening of Liu Xiaobo - L'homme qui a défié Pékin (Liu Xiaobo – The M
Advance Screening of Liu Xiaobo - L'homme qui a défié Pékin (Liu Xiaobo – The Man Who Defied Beijing) 2019 | France | Duration: 58...

Cuts in Synchronicity: Paintings by Yeung Tong Lung
ACO Art Space presents Yeung Tong Lung’s paintings and sketches made in the past year of 2018. These seemingly realistic paintings show...

FOO TAK FLUX: Docent Tours x Open Studios
FOO TAK FLUX Foo Tak Building Docent Tours x Studio Open Days Located between Wan Chai and Causeway Bay, there is a seemingly typical...

Do you wanna join our Foo Tak community?
Foo Tak Building looks traditional and ordinary. It is a typical commercial/residential building having 14 floors with two units on each...
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