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ACO Reader-in-Residence: Food for Thoughts

Date: 24/7/2015 (Friday) Time: 7pm - 9:30pm Admission: free donation RSVP at / 28934808 (Limited seats, first-come-first-served)

Enoch Cheng, ACO Reader-in-Residence will present a few dishes to stimulate the taste of the audience, as well as a few videos/ short films by different artists to serve the senses of sight and hearing.The selected works explore the 'telling' of a story through the medium of the moving image. While articulating a story with text—creatively-written or cited from literary sources—through dialogue and monologue, voice-over or subtitle, these videos enhance, as well as complicate the narration with the ambiguous nature of the moving image and sound. Viewers (and listeners) are hence lured into the world with an experience like the leap of faith between reading and imagination.

Enoch Cheng is an artist, director and writer. His short films and videos have been shown in Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Italy, UK, Taiwan, and Thailand, while his theatre works have been presented in Hong Kong and London. He received his MA in Creative Writing at Goldsmiths, London, and his BA in English Literature and Art History at The University of Hong Kong.

ACO invites Enoch Cheng as the Reader-in-Residence from July - September 2015. During his residency, he will engage in a series of programs including intensive reading, recommendation of books, as well as conducting workshops on creative writing and close reading.


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