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聽 到 聽 不 到 listen not listen

展覽exhibition : 4-9.12.2015 開放時間 Opening hours : 正午12時至晚上7時,逢星期二至日 12nn – 7pm (Tue - Sun) 地點: 灣仔軒尼詩道365-367號富德樓14樓 14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

免費開放予公衆 Free and open to the public 參與藝術家Participating Artists | 羅志琪 Frances Law Chi-kei、黃至威 William Wong Chi-wai、張才生 Samson Cheung Choi-sang、黃福權 Wong Fuk-kuen 夥伴 Partner | 香港展能藝術會Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 場地贊助 venue sponsor |艺鵠Art and Culture Outreach 聲音圖書館 於過去一年與香港展能藝術會成為夥伴,了解不同能力人士如何感受聲音並以聲音作為創作媒介。這次合作旨在連繫不同背景的藝術家互相學習,共同創作,同時提醒我們作為公民一起生活的各種責任。 透過展能藝術會,我們認識了展能藝術家羅志琪及王志威,而聲音圖書館亦找來兩位藝術家,張才生及黃福權設計了一系列的工作坊,與王志威及羅志琪一同嘗試用不同的媒介,例如物件、文字、空間、田野錄音等,共同發掘聲音的種種可能。 這次計劃為四位藝術家在聆聽、聲音、創作以至生活上帶來不少新的經驗及啟發。大家形容為「互補不足」,也因為創作過程的需要而建立了一種專屬的溝通模式。是次展覽會展示他們在過程中的發現、創作及紀錄,並於分享會當天與大家分享他們的有趣經驗。 我們同時邀請電台節目主持急急子深入發掘這四位藝術家的經驗和想法, 發展為聲音圖書館最新專題故事, 並將於十二月初於聲音圖書館網站發佈,請密切留意! The Library by soundpocket and the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (HKADA) became partners in the past year to explore the arts of sound and listening with people with different abilities. We believe learning from each others’ differences could open up new possibilities of creation and remind us of our duties as citizens living together. HKADA artists Frances Law Chi-ki and William Wong Chi-wai worked with Samson Cheung Choi-sang and Wong Fuk-kuen in a series of workshops, in which they explored the possibilities of sound as objects, text, space, field recording etc. together... The new encounter also compelled the artists to invent their own unique way of communication. They saw this as a way of complementing each other. Please join us in the sharing session and exhibition to hear their stories about collaboration, trust, and mutual inspiration. We have also invited radio presenter Amber Au as our Feature Writer to investigate in a more thorough way the artists’ personal reflection on sound and listening in this project. The Feature Story will be published in early December. Please stay tuned! 查詢 / 2356 2226 (solam) --- 聲音圖書館獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助 活動內容並不反映香港特別行政區政府的意見 The Library by soundpocket is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region The content of these activities does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 聲音掏腰包由香港藝術發展局資助 soundpocket is financially supported by the HKADC.

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