Foo Tak Building Open Days
Time: 25 -27 March in 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Together with Art & Culture Outreach (ACO), 17 art and cultural spaces will open their doors for Foo Tak Building Open Days this year. These entities have much devotion and passion even though they come from different fields of art and culture. We wish visitors to come and see how they make good use of their space, and get to know more on what they are working on. Visitors might see exhibitions, crafts, screening, books, and some meaningful old objects and publications, and join talks about literature/ society/ green living. 【About FTB】 Foo Tak Building looks traditional and ordinary. It is a typical commercial/residential building having 14 floors with two units on each floor. Since 2003, there have been 18 units leased to art and cultural entities at a sponsored rate through ACO; the rental is much lower than the market price. Just as important, ACO exercises low degree of management to leave more room for self-discipline being exercised by the sponsored art and culture entities. ACO has stipulated only a few rules and allowed all kinds of ideas / creations / experiments / plans / actions / organizations to seed, grow, practice and perform here.
Organizer: Art and Culture Outreach Co-organizers: Foo Tak Building art and cultural entities