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Exhibition: AN GEE CHAN’s experimentation in printmaking

AN GEE CHAN’s experimentation in printmaking - book launch alongside with exhibition

Exhibition 20/10 – 18/11/2018 12nn – 7pm (Tue – Sun) Book launch sharing by An Gee ***Notice of Change***

Artist Sharing is now changed to 18/11/2018 (Sun) 4:30pm instead of 15/11/2018 (Thu)! Artist sharing registration: “An Gee‧An Gee -- THE WORK OF AN GEE CHAN” was an artist book of An Gee Chan published by mccm creations in 2018. ACO invited mccm and An Gee for a book launch on 15/11, with some selected original mono screenprint works on display from 20/10 – 18/11/2018. “An Gee‧An Gee -- THE WORK OF AN GEE CHAN” is a celebration of young artist An Gee Chan's devotions and experimentation in printmaking, especially mono screenprint, in the past ten years. There are over 80 artworks in the book with writings by Cherry Smyth, Jo Stockham, Adam Dant, Blues Wong, and Gaylord Chan. An Gee currently teaches Printmaking and Drawing at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University.

================================================ Artist Sharing on 18/11/2018 (Sun) 4:30pm Guest speaker: An Gee ChanAn Gee‧An Gee" is a collection of An Gee Chan's works over the past ten years. The artist will talk about her experience in the book making process and highlight works included in the book. She will also share the development, methods, creative process and her transition of style in printmaking. Registration: *conducted in English, Q&A in both English & Chinese ================================================

About the artist: Chan An Gee has studied Illustration and Animation from Kingston University, and Fine Art in Printmaking from The Royal College of Art in London. She is also an artist represented by Tintype Gallery, London, and is actively participating in exhibitions overseas and in Hong Kong. She is currently teaching drawing and printmaking at the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University. About the book: Co-presenters: Art and Culture Outreach|艺鵠 (ACO), MCCM Creations

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