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I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong】書中人分享 Featured Sharing - Elnur Hajiyev (亞塞拜疆 Azerbaijan)

留唔留,走唔走? 佢既走,係你既留?「留」同「走」,響香港呢個大溶爐,定義其實係相對?

《Dear Hong Kong》在艺鵠書店的第二場分享會,邀請了來自亞塞拜疆的Elnur Hajiyev——一位原子與激光物理學家,同時亦是樂隊The Nur Collective的鼓手作分享及演奏。

Elnur在亞塞拜疆念書,曾到新加坡工作,最後以香港為家。三地不同的文化沖擊,他怎樣應對?音樂怎樣令他融入香港?除了分享以上種種,Elnur還會跟The Nur Collective樂隊成員演奏來自中亞、阿塞拜疆、土耳其和阿拉伯地區的原創音樂!

Our 2nd guest of 《Dear Hong Kong》 sharing at ACO Books is Elnur Hajiyev from Azerbaijan, an atomic and laser physics expert, who also plays drum in The Nur Collective.

Elnur studied in Azerbaijan, worked in Singapore, and now resides in Hong Kong. How did he cope with the culture shock of his 3 different homes? And how did music and his band help him integrate into Hong Kong? Not only will he share his experience of assimilation, his bandmates from The Nur Collective will also join him to perform original music from Central Asia, Azerbaijani, Turkish and Arabic regions!


【I Wanna Read x Dear Hong Kong】書中人分享 Featured Sharing - Elnur Hajiyev


日期 Date | 14 May 2021 (Fri)

時間 Time | 7:30-9:30pm

地點 Venue | 艺鵠書店 ACO Books (富德樓14樓 14/F Foo Tak Building)

語言 Language | 英語 English

***免費登記 Free Registration***

合辦 Co-organized by ACO Books & Dear Hong Kong



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